Victoria Bucket List
I am proud to call Victoria, British Columbia my home. It is a place which inspires movement and exploration, where the great ocean and...
The Three Foundational Pillars for Men's Health
When February comes around, many people are either starting to feel resistance to their New Year’s Resolutions or looking for a way to...
Mobility Monday Episode 35: Ashton Eaton
As the world grows smaller and international competition becomes even more unifying, the sporting world is more certain when they crown...
Screen Hygiene
Desktop computers, tablets, iPhones, Galaxies, Nexus, MacBooks, 4K TVs – our faces are constantly illuminated in the basking blue glow of...
Mobility Monday Episode 34: Squat Every Day
There has been a lot of buzz lately around the #squateveryday challenge, made popular by MusclePharm’s president, Cory Gregory, inspired...
Mobility Monday Episode 33: Laird Hamilton
Laird Hamilton is one of the pioneers of big wave surfing, always pushing the limits of creativity and the boundaries of human potential....
Mobility Monday Episode 32: Simon Whitfield
Simon Whitfield will forever be revered as one of Canada's greatest Olympic distance triathletes. With two medals in two Olympics (gold...
Time Affluence
I was recently sent an article on Time Affluence, by Arianna Huffington, defining the term as a new metric for defining success. Along...
Base Activity Level
One of the key elements of classical weight loss thinking is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), the amount of energy you expend at rest. While...
Mobility Monday Episode 31: Shinji Takeuchi
Shinji Takeuchi's "Most Graceful Freestyle" video is one of the most viewed swimming videos of all time. His so-called "Total Immersion...