The Three Foundational Pillars for Men's Health
When February comes around, many people are either starting to feel resistance to their New Year’s Resolutions or looking for a way to...
Mobility Monday Episode 33: Laird Hamilton
Laird Hamilton is one of the pioneers of big wave surfing, always pushing the limits of creativity and the boundaries of human potential....
Mobility Monday Episode 32: Simon Whitfield
Simon Whitfield will forever be revered as one of Canada's greatest Olympic distance triathletes. With two medals in two Olympics (gold...
Time Affluence
I was recently sent an article on Time Affluence, by Arianna Huffington, defining the term as a new metric for defining success. Along...
Paradox of the Heap
The Paradox of the Heap is also known as Sorites Paradox (sorites being the Greek word for heap). It's a concept that you'll hear many...
Mobility Monday Episode 30: Ilya Ilyin
Today we feature Ilya Ilyin, two time Olympic gold medalist in weightlifting. Kazakhstan's pride and joy, Ilya is able to balance the...
Ante Up
Today's concept will be about buy-in, and its importance on achieving your goals and also staying motivated. I've often run into this...
Physiological Lag
The concept of physiological lag is a core principle to how I schedule my training and recovery. Furthermore, it serves as a reminder...
Mobility Monday Episode 29: Albert Azaryan
This video is aptly titled "Lord of the Rings". The gymnastics rings are the ultimate representation of upper body strength, mobility and...
Reckless abandon (is neither)
It's not reckless, because when we leap, when we dive in, when we begin, only begin, we bring our true nature to the project, we make it...