In a previous Friday Challenge article, we explored fermented foods and checked out a TED talk on the microbiome. With the popularity of...
Here's a repost of a blog post I wrote for another site two years ago about my experience during a fast. Accompanying the increasing...
Friday Challenge: 100 Mile Diet, Grease the Groove, Daily Sketch
Now that we've gotten past all the showers (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and are in for a long stretch of sunlight and warm...
Friday Challenge: Spinal Decompression, Ice Baths and Fermented Foods
This week we'll tap into some more obscure yet equally effective health hacks. To add these habits into your lifestyle, you'll need to...

Friday Challenge: Cold Showers, Raw Food and Post Dinner Walks
When trying to incorporate these challenges into your daily life, you have to remember that some will be less likely to stick. Perhaps...

Common Sense with Nutrition
I stumbled upon an article recently, titled "20 Nutrition Facts That Should be Common Sense (But Aren't)". The content was great, but...