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Year in Review 2014

As each year winds down, I've always enjoyed the sports and news breakdowns or Year in Reviews. Hindsight paints a very clear picture of the linkages between events and the paths we have taken.

Facebook has used its resources to compile a Year in Review based on trending statuses.

From the ALS Ice Bucket challenge, to World Cup in Brazil, the sad death of Robin Williams, Pharell's "Happy" song, the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Malala's stand for human rights, to the Ebola epidemic in Western Africa, these are the events that orbitted our lives. Here's the video. Please note: this is simply one way, one picture of the events of 2014.

For most of us, we have only been spectators from afar, arm chair critics with little influence. Therefore, I challenge you to do your own personal Year in Review. What happened this year for you, and what have you learned?

For Movement Mindset, we focus on health and learning. Looking back, did you have any revelations which increased your mental or physical performance?

What stumbling blocks caused you hardship? What can you apply moving forward?

Note: this is not an exercise in resolution or goal setting. This is a time for self-reflection, a time to understand the true lay of the land.

As this is a much more difficult, yet rewarding task than observing the social media trends, I'll share five of my more influential learning points for health and happiness.

1. Becoming more disciplined about sleep. I've finally embraced the power of sleep for recovery and mental capacity. Getting to bed at 10pm is a challenge, but I feel closer to 100% for it.

2. The importance of a true social network. As Facebook and Twitter and Instagram impinge more and more on my life, I have learned that a true "FaceTime" (not the iPhone) variety, is better than 100 likes by people you hardly know.

3. The year of mobility. In the last few years, I've tried to find quick and easy hacks for flexibility and improving biomechanics. This year, staying mobile all day and doing soft-tissue massage regularly has been the remedy for my shoulder and knee issues.

4. Book journalling. I started keeping a journal of the books I have read in April, writing little anecdotes or quotes from each. This keeps me motivated to devour whatever literature I can get my hands on. More is better.

5. Adventures. I have had the opportunity to visit some of the treasures of British Columbia, from the vast north, to the coast and its surrounding islands. I have also managed a quick trip to the UK and Spain. I am beginning to understand the balance between experiences at home and abroad. The key will be to expand and stay uncomfortable.

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